Joan Kendall, "Jesus the Boy," (London: Blandford, 1962), 22-31.
*No information on author Joan Kendall and copyright. This book is currently for sale on Amazon, but the author's name is not the actual author. The pages of this book are unprinted, but total 31 pages. This book is divided into 1, 2, 3, and 4 parts rather than page count.
"Jesus the Boy (번역하자면, 소년예수)"는 현재 저자에 대한 정보가 알려져 있지 않고, 아마존에서 판매되고 있는 같은 제목의 책의 저자는 성씨만 같은 다른 사람입니다.
At last the Passover feast was over and it was time to set off again for home. The party planned to make an early start. There was much bustle and excitement, last minute shopping in Jerusalem, and good-byes to the new friends they had made. When everyone was ready they set off down the hill and up over the Mount of Olives. They turned back to have one last look at Jerusalem, then took the steep, rocky road to Jericho.
At midday they stopped in the shade of some trees for their dinner.
"Have you seen Jesus?" asked Mary.
"I think He's ahead with the other boys," replied Joseph. "I know they had some robber game they wanted to paly."
"He knew we were leaving to-day," said Mary. "He must be somewhere. He will turn up in time for supper." But she could not help feeling anxious. She kept looking ahead among the groups of people, but still she could not see Him.
When the time came to stp for the night, there was still no Jesus.
"I am sure He has been left behind," she said. "Oh, why didn't I make certain He was with us when we left!"
"Don't worry, Mary," said Joseph. "We will make quite sure He is not with any of our friends. If He is not, we will go back and find Him."
They went from group to group, asking the same question, "Have you seen Jesus?"
"No, I've not seen Him," said one.
"Don't remeber seeing Him all day," said another. They all said the same. No one had seen Jesus. Mary turned to Joseph. "We must go back straight away," she said.
Joseph thought for a moment, then said, "No, it is too far for you to-night. There are plenty of people still camping outside Jerusalem. He will sleep with some of them. He won't be afraid. We will go back as early as we can in the morning."
Long before the sun had risen they wer off. They kept meeting people coming away from the city.
"Have you seen a young boy?" they asked. "He is twelve years old, and tall for His age." But no one remembered seeing Him, so they hurried on.
For three whole days they searched Jerusalem. They went up and down the narrow, crooked streets, into the little shops and past the fortress where the Roman soldiers kept guard. They went into the Temple and into the camp on the hillside, but still they could not find Him.
On the morning of the third day Mary said wearily, "We must go and look in the Temple again. That is where He went every day. I am sure we shall find Him if we look carefully." So back they went to the Temple, in throught the gate and across the great courtyard to the beautiful marble columns.
And there they saw Him.
He was sitting in the middle of a group of learned men. They kept asking Him questions, and gravely and thoughtfully He would give His answers. They looked at each other in astonishment. They had never seen a boy like that before.
Joseph and Mary were astonished too, but they were also a little bit angry. Mary went up to Him and said, "Jesus, why have you behaved like this? We have been so worried about you. We have been looking everywhere."
Jesus stood up and put His arms round His mother. Then He looked in her face with His clear eyes and said, "Why did you look for me? Did you not know I would be here, in God my Father's house, and doing my Father's work?"
Mary did not really understand what He meant. But she loved Him so dearly, and was so pleased to have found Him, that all her crossness vanished.
He turned to the learned men and said, "I must go with my mother now. Thank you very much for all you have taught me. I will be able to come again another year."
So back they went to Nazareth, and on the way Jesus told them both about the things He had said and learnt in the Temple.
"My son is growing up,' thought Mary, "I must not treat Him as though He were a child."
And Jesus was very careful to be thoughtful towards His mother in every way, and to do what she and Joseph wanted.
Every year He grew taller and stronger. Every year He became a better carpenter. As Joseph grew older, He took on more and more of the work. Everybody in Nazareth loved Him, and every year His love for God, His Father, grew stronger and deeper.
*[필자는 "Jesus the Boy" 저자 Joan Kendall의 성경에 대한 학술적 관점과 이해력이 아니라, 1960년대 영국영어를 엿 볼수 있다는 점에서 영어학습용으로 추천합니다.]
= = = = = = = = = =
영어성경공부를 통해 영어식 사고방식을 자연스럽게 가질 수 있는 방법을 간단히 소개합니다.
Every year He grew taller and stronger.
말로 표현한다면,
(1)every year grew taller and stronger 매년 크고 강하게 자랐어요
(2)he 그가
(3)every year he grew taller and stronger 매년 그는 키가 크고 강하게 자랐었습니다
(1)술어는 (2)주어를 전제한 상태에서 관찰하거나 본 내용을 동작 = 변화 = 물리적 움직임이나 변화 상태 상황 또는 심리적 움직임이나 변화를 말이나 글로써 표현하는 게 첫 단계입니다.
(1)술어가 정리된 다음에는 문장형식을 따라 전제된 (2)주어와 (1)술어 순으로 말하거나 글로 쓰면 됩니다. 말로 할때에는 마침표가 필요없고, 글로 쓸때에는 마침표가 반드시 있고 이는 글로쓴 문장임을 알려주는 표기법입니다.
Every year He grew taller and stronger. [English Sentence 영어문장]
Every year grew taller and stronger [Predicate 영어술어]
He [Subject 영어주어]
Every year He grew taller and stronger. [An English Sentence 영어문장]
*위 빨간색 이탤릭체는 책 원문에 이탤릭체로 나오는 부분입니다. 현재 의미 있는 교육에 활용하기를 바라는 의도가 담겨져 있다고 볼수 있겠습니다.
필자의 "English Writing Workshop G4 Sourch 1"과 "English Writing Workshop G4 Sourch 2"를 참고하시면 좋습니다.
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