
The First Seven Days [for Children]

신명기6장7절 2022. 6. 18. 07:52

Anne Edwards & Shirley Steen, "A Child's Bible: The Old Testament & The New Testament," (Mahwah, New Jersey: Paulist Press, 1973), 12.


The Old Testament


Genesis 1

The First Seven Days

In the beginning there was no heaven and no earth and no darkness and no light and so God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light. And He called the light Day . . . and the darkness, Night. And that was the first day.

     But when the light came up on the second day, God could see that His work was not done and sl He said, 'Let there be a sky,' and there was a sky!

     On the third day God could see He still had more work to do and so He created the dry land which He called the earth and the water which He called the seas, and very quickly there were grass and plants and trees with lovely fruits.

     On the fourth day God added to the sky the sun and the stars so that there would always be light.

     And on the fifth day there was so much beauty that God added living things to make it really complete. He created great whales and small fishes and birds that could fly above the green trees and the rich earth and the deep blue seas.

     God could see that all of this was good and beautiful and so, on the sixth day, He added every kind of animal - and then He created man!

     Bu the seventh day God was tired from all this work, so He rested and blessed the seventh day and made ot a day for all living things to rest.

     And then, when God had rested long enough, He planted a garden eastward in a place called Eden and there He put the man whome He had made.


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영어성경공부를 통해 영어식 사고방식을 자연스럽게 가질 수 있는 방법을 간단히 소개합니다.


In the beginning there was no heaven and no earth and no darkness and no light and so God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light.

In the beginning 인더비기닝 = 시작할 때에 라는 상황 상태를 누구도 알거나 설명할 수 없으므로, 상상으로 물리적인 어떤 것이나 심리적인 어떤 것 또는 생각될 수 있는 어떤 것이 맨 처음 생길때라는 말입니다. 즉 말하는 자나 글쓰는 자나 듣는 자나 읽는 자나 다 상상하는 세계에 속한 일을 말하거나 글로 쓴다는 말입니다. 말로 표현한다면,

(1)was no heaven and no earth and no darkness and no light and so said let there be light and was light 하늘 없었고 땅 없었고 어두움 없었고 빛 없었고 그래서 말했었어요 렛데얼비라이트 (빛이 있으라) 그리고 빛이 있었어요

(2)there God (거기 또는 그때 저런 거 하신 분) 하나님께서

(3)In the beginning there was no heaven and no earth and no darkness and no light and so God said let there be light and there was light 태초에 하늘 땅 어두움 빛이 없었고 해서 하나님께서 빛이 있으라고 말씀하셔서 빛이 있었습니다


(1)술어는 (2)주어를 전제한 상태에서 관찰하거나 본 내용을 동작 = 변화 = 물리적 움직임이나 변화 또는 심리적 움직임이나 변화를 말이나 글로써 표현하는 게 첫 단계입니다.

(1)술어가 정리된 다음에는 문장형식을 따라 전제된 (2)주어와 (1)술어 순으로 말하거나 글로 쓰면 됩니다. 말로 할때에는 마침표가 필요없고, 글로 쓸때에는 마침표가 반드시 있고 이는 글로쓴 문장임을 나타내는 기호입니다. 글로 쓴다면,


In the beginning there was no heaven and no earth and no darkness and no light and so God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light. [English Sentence 영어문장]

In the beginning was no heaven and no earth and no darkness and no light and so said, 'Let there be light,' and was light [Predicate 영어술어]

There God [Subject 영어주어]

In the beginning there was no heaven and no earth and no darkness and no light and so God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light. [An English Sentence 영어문장]


*위 빨간색 이탤릭체는 책 원문에 이탤릭체로 나오는 부분입니다. 현재 의미 있는 교육에 활용하기를 바라는 의도가 담겨져 있다고 볼수 있겠습니다.


필자의 "English Writing Workshop G4 Sourch 1"과 "English Writing Workshop G4 Sourch 2"를 참고하시면 좋습니다.