
Whereabouts of Human Life

신명기6장7절 2016. 9. 17. 03:51


Whereabouts of Human Life.pdf


[1st Period] Human Life on Paradise/Heavenly Kingdom

The Bible says about whereabouts of human life. Human life is God's creation. He created it by represnting His image that came of earth on Paradise and giving His breath. Genesis 1:27, 2:7.

Humans had eaten fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of good and bad that should bring death, and He sent them into this world. Genesis 2:17, 3:17, 24.


[2nd Period] Human Life on this World before the Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus

God created human life by representing His image that came of earth on this world and giving His finite breath. Genesis 4:26, 5:3, 6:3.

He let the people who believed in God have rest from their labors. He let them have new life in order to dwell in the Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus. Revelation 14:13, 20:4-6.

He let the people who lived in their natural condition return to the ground. Genesis 3:19, 8:21-22, Revelation 20:5.


[3rd Period] Human Life on this World after the Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus

God let there be two worlds of one on earth and the other on heaven at the same time for a thousand years with the Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus. He resurrected human lives be in heaven. Jesus' Kingdom of Heaven the Mystery of the Gospel - Revelation 20:1-6, Jesus' Resurrection the Mystery of Faith - Luke 24:39, John 20:17.

We can be let to heaven and given the resurrected lives only if we acknowledge the mysteries of gospel and of faith.


[4th Period] Human Life in the Kingdom of God

After the period of two multiple worlds, this world shall disappear when Jesus comes again in heaven. There shall be human life found only in the Kingdom of God. Revelation 20:7-15, Matthew 24:35.

Jesus will give eternal life to those who give their testimonies for the hopeful confession of the Kingdom of God. John 18:36, Revelation 21:2-7.



Whereabouts of Human Life.pdf


Whereabouts of Human Life.pdf